Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Brush Fire Norwich 3/28/07
The Laurel Hill department was dispatched to a brush fire to the rear of the American Legion off of Rt.12. The City of Norwich was brought into the scene with two engines and the forestry unit. Poquetanuck P-11 was dispatched to assist with exposure control at the north end of the fire. With Laurel Hill protecting four building at the Thames View apartment complex and Preston on Thermos road protecting the houses there the fire was contained. Also at the scene was Yantic and East Great Plains with cover companies of Mohegan fire.

Sunday, March 25, 2007
On 3/25/07 the Old Mystic department was dispatched to Pequot Trail for a structure fire. Upon arrival they found Wequetequock on scene of a house fully involved. There was confusion weather or not this was in Old Mystic district or in Wequeteqoucks. Interior attack was made until conditions worsened to the point that everyone was pulled out and a defensive attack was made. The Tanker Task Force was started to the scene that brought in North Stonington H-13, Center Groton G-72, Gales Ferry R-24, Ledyard R-14, and Poquetanuck P-13. The tankers were used to supply G-65 for master stream operations. There was a structural collapse that sent one firefighter to the hospital. I hope that firefighter makes and full recovery.
These next few pics were taken by FF Schwenk upon arrival of Gales Ferry
Friday, March 23, 2007
Around 8:30 pm the Cohanzie department along with Quaker Hill and Oswegatchie were dispatched to 850 Hartford road the Crystal Mall in the Abercrombie and Fitch store for the store filling with smoke. Upon arrival of Waterford PD reports the smoke to be coming from the ventilation system. Jordan was added to the assignment for the additional truck and one engine. Tower 55, Truck 15 and Telesqurt 25 laddered the building to access the roof. No source was found for the smoke. All units were to pick up when ready.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The Ledyard & Gales Ferry departments responded to this one car into a pole mva on 3/19/07.
Upon arrival of the first due they found on patient for transport and a minor fluid leak. The telephone pole had very little damage that did require the power company to the scene. The pt was transported to L&M via Ledyard Ambulance with the L&M medics on board.

Upon arrival of the first due they found on patient for transport and a minor fluid leak. The telephone pole had very little damage that did require the power company to the scene. The pt was transported to L&M via Ledyard Ambulance with the L&M medics on board.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Deputy Chief Carmack R.I.P.
On 3/17/06 the Deputy Chief William Carmack of the Gales Ferry Fire Company passed away from illness. Chief Carmack was a active member for 17 years. In that 17 years Chief Carmack was a decorated firefighter. Chief Carmack was the guy that you could go to for anything. He was a great leader and a true friend. He will be greatly missed at the fire house and on the fire grounds.

Friday, March 16, 2007
W/F BALTIC 3/15/07
On 3/15/07 the Baltic department was dispatched to a structure fire at Elm & Main st. Upon arrival they found a 1 1/2 story house with a enclosed wrap around porch. With two 1 3/4 lines in operation Baltic made a quick knock down. Baltic was assist by Occum, Mohegan Tribe fast team, and American Rehab. For more info and pics check out these other blogs.
New Rigs pics, check them out

New Rigs pics, check them out
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Yantic W/F 3/11/07
On 3/11/07 the Yantic department was dispatched to a structure fire at 11 Pleasant street. Upon arrival of the first due found a working fire in a front room of the house. Yantic made a quick knock down and contained the fire to the room. Mutual aid from Mohegan Tribe Fast team. Taftville and East Great Plains staged in there stations.
Check out the Rigs section for some new Pics

Check out the Rigs section for some new Pics
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