Sunday, March 25, 2007


On 3/25/07 the Old Mystic department was dispatched to Pequot Trail for a structure fire. Upon arrival they found Wequetequock on scene of a house fully involved. There was confusion weather or not this was in Old Mystic district or in Wequeteqoucks. Interior attack was made until conditions worsened to the point that everyone was pulled out and a defensive attack was made. The Tanker Task Force was started to the scene that brought in North Stonington H-13, Center Groton G-72, Gales Ferry R-24, Ledyard R-14, and Poquetanuck P-13. The tankers were used to supply G-65 for master stream operations. There was a structural collapse that sent one firefighter to the hospital. I hope that firefighter makes and full recovery.

These next few pics were taken by FF Schwenk upon arrival of Gales Ferry

Gales Ferry R-24 supplying G-65

This was near the completion of the tanker shuttle.

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