Friday, June 22, 2007

W/F Ledyard 6/18/07

On 6/18/07 the Ledyard and Gales Ferry units were dispatched to a structure fire at 8 Cartridge Trail. This house is located in the Highland section of town. Staff Sgt. Finkelstein was able to get the scene early and snap a few pics while operations were getting under way. The fire started on the rear porch from logs that were smoldering from a camp fire the night before. As you can see from the pics the building construction in this area is very poor. The roofing 2x4 and thin plywood with shingles. Mutual aid from Old Mystic, Mashantucket, and Subase Fast team to the scene.

Thanks to Staff Sergeant Finkelstein for the photos

Upon arrival of units found heavy smoke coming from the rear

Team makes entry into the rear of structure

That is what you call hot satellite TV

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